25 dezembro, 2005
21 dezembro, 2005
A arte de perder

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster,
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three beloved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) a disaster.
Elizabeth Bishop
(Susanne Grinder fotografada por Henrik Stenberg)
17 dezembro, 2005
Assim como um espelho de mim

Gostar ou não... Amar, não amar... E o quê?
O que é que cada um ama? Os olhos, a postura, o sorriso?
O que existe no todo, ou o que existe só numa parte...
Vem da alma ou de outro lugar qualquer, o amor?
Na verdade não importa sempre, porque a dedicação ao outro Ser é o que depois nos fáz dizer que o amamos.
Conheço-te na multidão, mas podias ser outro qualquer. Fáço questão de te evidenciar dos outros dentro de mim... Para o mundo somos todos iguais para os corações uns existem outros não. E por vezes vem o tempo ou a dor e muda tudo. Renascemos das cinzas ou agarramo-nos ao passado porque não queremos seguir em frente.
O "por acaso" é que não tem piada, por isso tento ver nas proximidades ou nos desejos algo mais do que aquilo que se vê apenas. Como se pudesse ver o próprio sentimento assim como um espelho de mim, o que é que existe ali que me atrai e se está lá a fonte para me manter atraída ou se é só alguem que os meus sentidos dizem ser bonito.
Gosto de olhar e sentir é bonito de mais, sabes?
Bonito de mais, o meu corpo a dizer-me que não há qualquer explicação.
Escolhi a foto antes de ter acabado de escrever, ela não é um bom exemplo do que para mim é bonito de mais, mas é um bom exemplo do que é bonito, provavelmente na multidão não teria o meu abraço.
Se é façil investir em pessoas bonitas? Claro.
Sei que te ficas pelo patamar do "um pouco por acaso",a onda de perfume que nos embriaga os sentidos. A cor do vestido na musica.
Repara... provavelmente até somos todos assim, só que eu não consigo reconhecer...
(foto - Nicole Kidman)
13 dezembro, 2005
Colin Firth hands the Big Noise petition to Peter Mandelson

Why is Fair Trade important?
International trade flows have tripled in the last twenty years, but the benefits of this trade are unequally shared.
((Oxfam estimates that as a result of improved corporate behaviour, poor coffee farmers have benefited by an approximately £9 million increase in incomes – a tangible benefit of your campaigning. But clearly there is much more work for the coffee industry still to do.))
03 dezembro, 2005

Marguerite: Are you following me?
Armand: Yes, you, well you did smile at me a moment ago, didn't you?
Marguerite: Well, you tell me first whether you smiled at me or at my friend [Olympe].
Armand: What friend?
Marguerite: You didn't even see her?
Armand: No.
Marguerite: That's very nice.
Armand: I was just wondering if you'd ask me to sit down if I knocked at the door of the box.
Marguerite: Why not? We really seemed fated to meet this evening, didn't we?
Armand: Fate must have had something to do with this. I've hoped for it so long. You don't believe me.
Marguerite: No.
Armand: The first time I saw you was a year and a half ago. You were in an open carriage and dressed in white. I saw you get out and go into a shop in La Place de la Bourse.
Marguerite: Yes, it might have happened. I used to go to a dressmaker in La Place de la Bourse.
Armand: You were wearing a thin dress with miles of ruffles, a large straw hat, an embroidered shawl, a single bracelet and heavy gold chain. And, of course, the camellias at your waist.
Marguerite: You have a marvelous memory, haven't you?
Armand: The next time was at the Opera La Comique. You were sitting in a box with a fur coat on, and Gaston - a chap whom I know who knows you, said Marguerite's been ill. And it hurt me. Next time...
Marguerite: Well, tell me, if all you say is true, why have you never spoken to me before?
Armand: In the first place, I didn't know you.
Marguerite: You didn't know me tonight.
Armand: No, but after you smiled at me, I knew you wouldn't mind.
Marguerite: And now, since you've met me?
Armand: Now I know that I love you - and have loved you since that first day.
Armand: Yes, you, well you did smile at me a moment ago, didn't you?
Marguerite: Well, you tell me first whether you smiled at me or at my friend [Olympe].
Armand: What friend?
Marguerite: You didn't even see her?
Armand: No.
Marguerite: That's very nice.
Armand: I was just wondering if you'd ask me to sit down if I knocked at the door of the box.
Marguerite: Why not? We really seemed fated to meet this evening, didn't we?
Armand: Fate must have had something to do with this. I've hoped for it so long. You don't believe me.
Marguerite: No.
Armand: The first time I saw you was a year and a half ago. You were in an open carriage and dressed in white. I saw you get out and go into a shop in La Place de la Bourse.
Marguerite: Yes, it might have happened. I used to go to a dressmaker in La Place de la Bourse.
Armand: You were wearing a thin dress with miles of ruffles, a large straw hat, an embroidered shawl, a single bracelet and heavy gold chain. And, of course, the camellias at your waist.
Marguerite: You have a marvelous memory, haven't you?
Armand: The next time was at the Opera La Comique. You were sitting in a box with a fur coat on, and Gaston - a chap whom I know who knows you, said Marguerite's been ill. And it hurt me. Next time...
Marguerite: Well, tell me, if all you say is true, why have you never spoken to me before?
Armand: In the first place, I didn't know you.
Marguerite: You didn't know me tonight.
Armand: No, but after you smiled at me, I knew you wouldn't mind.
Marguerite: And now, since you've met me?
Armand: Now I know that I love you - and have loved you since that first day.
"Alas, we made haste to be happy, as if we knew that we were not to be happy long. (...) under the shadow of the trees, we breathed together that true life which neither Marguerite nor I had ever known before." (Alexander Dumas: Camille)
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